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As El-Nino Approaches, Here are the Emergency Hot-lines for All 47 Counties

The Government has put up a County Disaster Management Unit that will be able to deal with rain-related emergencies once the rains fall. Below are contacts to the emergency hot-lines for all 47 counties

          1. Baringo 0722792669 / 0725065632 / 0722914153
          2. Bomet 0722036036 / 0710532237 / 07752.81877
          3. Bungoma 0722263220
4. Busia 0710847279
5. Elgeyo Marakwet 6. Embu 077474.6165 / 070 9746165
7. Garissa 0721270698
8. Homa Bay 0724670392 / 0723619572 / 0721810576 / 0723508025 / 0722428002 / 0707588630 / 07214959
9. Isiolo 0722493645 / 0721426453 / 0720872443
10. Kajiado 07252.47611
11. Kakamega 0723386493 / 0720732295
12. Kericho 0727339600
13. Kiambu 0709877221 / 0730877221 / 0709877000 / 0730678000
14. Kilifi 0720025138
15. Kirinyaga 0722410430 / 077447733 / 077663344
16. Kisii 07226o7987
17. Kisumu 0711335594
18. Kitui 0722343413
19. Kwale 0790508898/99
20. Laikipia 0722343000 / 0721639146
21. Lamu 0722943999 / 0722730002
22. Machakos 020 999112 / 0720841461 / 0720841462 / 0723216905 0720808900 23. Makueni 0728508728 / 0726431440 / 0702544812
24. Mandera 0720893013 / 0720287664
25. Marsabit 0720336776 / 0724591879
26. Meru 0735965148 27. Migori 0737788255
28. Mombasa 078691100 / 0775911911 / 0707911911 /
27. Migori 0737788255
28. Mombasa 078691100 / 0775911911 / 0707911911 / 0756911911 / 0788911911 29. Murang’a 0800721800
30. Nairobi 0722491289 / 0202252430 / 0202210232 / 0728490590
31. Nakuru 0728363956 / 0728363966
32. Nandi 0790575744 / 0790575743
33. Narok 0712511305
34. Nyamira 0722749668
35. Nyandarua 0700581057 / 0713031036
36. Nyeri 0721019019 / 0722774693. Red Cross, Nyeri branch: 0721019019/ 0722774693 / 061 2030888 / 0721859508
37. Samburu 0790114256
38. Siaya 0712677809
39. Taita Taveta 0702600000
40.Tana River 0700265611 / 0714248200 / 0723548220
41. Tharaka Nithi 0722782315 / 0722342491
42. Trans Nzoia 0711141702
43. Turkana 0790375125
44. | Uasin Gishu 0710646464 / 053 2061185 / 0706389888
45. Vihiga 0717150012
46. Wajir 0722765674
47. West Pokot 0721955113

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