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Tanzania Decides (Will it be Magufuli or Lowassa?)

Tanzania elections

From ahead of schedule morning, there were long lines of men, ladies and youth in different parts of the nation and in the capital, Dar es Salaam, energetic to cast their tallies in a decision that has been touted as a real heart stopper. More than 22 million individuals were required to vote, in a race that has separated the nation on the requirement for change, and unwaveringness to the decision party, which has been in force throughout the previous 51 years. The decision Chama Cha Mapunduzi (CCM) party hopeful John Magufuli is in an extreme race for the presidential seat with the Opposition's Edward Lowassa, who is challenging under the flag of Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema). CCM has ruled the nation since freedom in 1964 and Magufuli is battling to succeed active President Jakaya Kikwete as the fifth president and to broaden the autonomy party's rule that has seen each of the previous four presidents oversee for two terms of 10 years each. In any case, he confronts hardened test from Lowassa, a previous head administrator, who deserted from CCM to join the resistance coalition as its flagbearer.

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