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Uber Kenya Driver and Car Requirements

Uber Kenya Driver Requirements
  1. An Uber driver must be 21 years old or above to qualify for Uber.
  2. One must pass the driving test.
  3. One must have three-years driving experience.
  4. A clean driving history.
  5. A valid national identity proof.
  6. A regular as well as PSV Driving License.
  7. No Criminal Record.

Uber Kenya car requirements 
  1.  your car should have a clean PSV Motor Insurance.
  2. You should also possess a motor registration certificate for your vehicle.
  3. Uber does not accept vehicles that are too old. The cars with Model 2006 or newer are inspected by Uber motor assessors for quality, driving condition, as well as cleanliness. If approved, only then these models can be used for taxi service.
  4. Only 4-door car or minivans are acceptable.
  5. The car should be in a good condition with no cosmetic damage
  6. No commercial branding
  7. Pass a vehicle inspection
  8. No hatchbacks accepted.

Uber Car Registration – Documents Required
  1. Operating Card
  2. Vehicle Registration certificate.
  3. Vehicle inspection report
  4. PSV Car Insurance certificate

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