Looking closely you will realise many Nairobians spend 2-4hrs daily in
traffic jams,to my amusement even getting out of the city is a task.
Many see it as norm to get stuck in traffic jams as you enter the
The fact is the roads feeding the city are wide and large thereby
letting in many vehicles,but as you get in the town the roads narrow
From the basic knowledge of pressure,area and volume go hand in hand.
When a large volume of cars enters a narrowed road pressure has to be
exerted,the narrowed road cannot take the pressure so it piles from
the back. Traffic jams are here to stay as long as the city planning
is not changed.
On the other hand the number of private cars are rapidly increasing.
When everybody takes their car out, what do you expect??
The systems of controlling traffic flow in the city is somehow faulty.
It lacks consistency. At the round abouts for instance two or more
lanes are converged into a single lane.
How can I forget about road etiquette and manners? Some drivers always
like to overtake anywhere as if they own the roads. Others are always
in Rush and can do whatever it takes for them to get a way out.
Obstruction by the noisy matatus as they call for passengers causes a
pile up of cars as they have no way. There are those drivers who you
look at and wonder which bush did they attend for driving
classes.They can never allow a car from another lane get on their way.
We can reduce congestion but we can never end without proper
infrastructure. Lets play our roles and we can move a step forward.
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